The Delaware Crossing

The Delaware Crossing

This poem is about General George Washington's  daring and bold plan to cross the Deleware River,  in December 1776,  to fight against the Trenton stronghold,  during the American Revolutionary War.  This was held by Hessian soldiers,  the best fighters on earth at the time. Short on supplies, Washington needed the stores of supplies in Trenton.    (continued below)

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The Delaware Crossing,  20 lines    Subject:  First Offensive Victory Of American Revolution

(continued from above)    This decision and battle was a pivotal point in the American Revolution.  Victory was essential for the war to be won.  Defeat would have essentially lost the war.  It was both brilliant and miraculous in its planning and execution.  When Wasington crosses the Deleware  all night  and through the early morn,  the American Revolution was in the balance.   A great victory followed!   This true American history ought to be known by every American,  every student,  and every historian of American history.  

See also our poem   PL1788  "The American Revolution,  The Splendid Achievement Of Liberty" (4 pages, 64 lines)